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Vitamin D

Often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” because it's made by our skin in response to sunlight ☀️ ⛅️ 🌞

But it gets dark at 4:30 this time of year and it’s pretty cold outside!! If your body doesn’t get enough Vitamin D from the sun you can get it from food and supplements 🍣🍳🥩🥛💊

Vitamin D is super important - it helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus, needed for strong, healthy bones, teeth and muscles 💪🏽 🦷

Experts recommend no more than 600-800 UI/day. Too much vitamin D is not good for you so go easy!

*Always wear sunscreen on your face!! Wear it on your body if out more than 15 min. It’s not necessary to expose yourself to skin cancer risks when you can get the same vitamin D from food and supplements! (I take a multivitamin that has part of my needed Vitamin D and I get the rest from what I eat and being outside)

Eggs, oily fish (like salmon), red meat, milk and other fortified foods are goods sources of vitamin D

**This post is not in place of medical advice, you should consult your doctor if you suspect Vitamin D levels are low (usually they are NOT! 🤗 )

***Note: people with darker skin will need to spend longer in the sun to produce the same amount as someone with lighter skin. You should still wear sunscreen especially on your face!!

****If you are overweight your body may not be absorbing enough vitamin D into your blood stream bc Vitamin D is stored in fat cells, which means you may need more Vitamin D


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