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What is Endometriosis?

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

Do you know what Endo is? Have you ever heard of it?

Endometriosis is a condition we treat and educate our patients and clients about. Symptoms of endo often manifest as painful periods, heavy periods (may last all month), pelvic pain, GI problems (bloating, painful bowel movements, SIBO, IBS, constipation, diarrhea), chronic fatigue, chronic pain and, infertility.

Not everyone with Endo has severe symptoms, and symptoms can vary greatly from one person to the next. Most women with endometriosis live a lifetime of invisible pain and often go on average 10 to 12 years from symptom onset to diagnosis.

So, what is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is an inflammatory condition which occurs when cells that are very similar to the lining of the uterus (the endometrium) are found outside of the uterus. Endometriosis has been found in the pelvis, abdomen and even the lungs. These endometrial growths are inflammatory in nature and can cause systemic issues throughout the body similarly to other autoimmune diseases.

There are various treatment methods, the gold standard being laparoscopic excision surgery where the entire endometrial masses are removed from the body. There are many doctors around the globe who continue to perform ablation procedures for endo even though we know this will not fix the problem, the only way to successfully remove endo from the body is by excision surgery, which means the endometrial massed need to be cut out to ensure full removal.

Birth Control & NSAIDs: BC pills and NSAIDs have been shown to control symptoms but they do NOT cure endometriosis. They only help with symptoms management. Once you stop taking them, your symptoms are likely to come back.

Endometriosis is often hereditary but not always. There may be a link between environmental factors and Endo, in addition to genetics.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you definitely know someone with Endometriosis.

How can Pelvic PT Help?

Pelvic PTs have specialized training to assess and diagnose the cause of your specific symptoms. Depending on your needs, some or all of the below may be implemented:

  • Manual techniques like soft tissue mobilization

  • Neuromuscular facilitation and re-education

  • Tips and/or referrals to address GI related symptoms

  • Recommendations for lifestyle modifications to reduce flare-ups

  • Therapeutic exercises and stretches to reduce pain and strengthen weaker areas

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