If you are not the expert, who is? There’s so much info out there that keeps us questioning ourselves and our choices...
-Eat this, not that
-Do this work out
-Take this supplement
-Use this skincare product
-Walk this many steps/day
and on and on...
It’s ultimately up to you to decide what works best for you. There will always be more than one option and you shouldn’t feel like you have to do something just because someone else says it’s good or bad, they are not you.
This can apply to advice and recommendations from doctors too. They are experts in the diseases and conditions they treat, but they are not experts about you personally.
A good healthcare provider will inform you of your options and give you the choice to decide what’s best for you, including getting a second opinion or just taking time (a few days, weeks, etc) to process and think. If a doctor ever makes you feel bad for questioning them, that is not okay. You have every right to ask questions and get clarifications about decisions regarding your health and your body. Good doctors want you to understand and make an informed decision regarding your care.
You should never be made to feel like you have to do something with your body or health that you aren’t sure about. You should be given all the info and allowed to make a choice that you are comfortable and confident with. You should also never be made to feel bad about the decision you make.
I am happy to help you navigate those decisions. Whether it’s about diet, exercise, supplements, medications or procedures.
Call/text me at (323)325-1485 or email me at stephanie@rootedwellnesspt.com
Much love from your concierge physical therapist, Dr. Stephanie